




我建立了由一群頂尖人物所組成的強大組織網絡,他們在多層次傳銷事業中這些人都曾經為自己和他們的傳奇創造過”額外收益”的機會。 我一直觀望並不斷接觸到各種炒作。










但我的確相信這個系統已經失靈。 只有少數人獲勝,大部分人無法獲利,而我發現了一個截然不同的領域








It’s really interesting to watch this market from the pedestal of social media.

Having built a strong network of amazing people who at some point in their journey decided to consider an opportunity to “create extra” for themselves and their legacy. I’m always watching and being exposed to the hype.

I’ve always been skeptical, it took me 2 YEARS to join my first network marketing opportunity, from the day my friend asked me, he followed up for 2 years.

I watch as people hop from one company to the next with wreckless abandon. Having no real concern for their own perception to their network.

I now watch as legacy opportunities are still launching with prices on products based on funding a compensation plane based on levels that make the products a burden on families income. Even if the products are “quality” they fluctuate in a world of hope that an ambitious person can offset the high cost by sharing their excitement with a few others who then each have their own burden to offset.

It’s a vicious cycle.

Last year finding LiveGood ened that cycle for me and those who joined with us.

See a $9.95 membership and access to products that have no requirements to buy or sell with the bonus of earnings changed my awareness of what was possible in the industry.

Most are so stuck in their mindset even now don’t believe… Still hustling high prices with the delusion of quality, knowing full well the cover up of compensation plans.

And me making that statement has industry leaders treating me as if I’m a hater of MLM, when in reality I couldn’t hate this industry if I tried. 

But I believe the system is broken. Where only a few win, and the vast majority go unpaid, I found something so different.

Where many are getting compensated while learning to become better network builders, better inviters, better shareres of information.

I spent tens of thousands going to trainings, while making nothing for years.

Now I have people earning hundreds while they learn…

Hate me if you want, but if you’re pitching people high prices products to make your upline more money while the downline suffer and wash out as fast as they enroll .. Good luck, I don’t see how that can last much longer with millions joining LiveGood.

Livegood and the logic of it are here to stay.

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” LiveGood STAR丨星鑽系統 “





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